Authorization and Certifications:
Authorization and Certifications:
By signing below, the above-listed business and owner(s)/officer(s) (individually and
collectively 'you') authorize The Edwards Group (TEG) and its representatives, successors,
assigns, designees, and any third-party funders or financial institutions that may be involved in,
acquire, or facilitate commercial loans and/or purchases of future receivables ("Recipients") to
obtain consumer, personal, and business investigative and/or credit reports from one or more
consumer credit reporting agencies. Additionally, you authorize the collection of other relevant
financial information, including credit card processor statements, bank statements, and
verifications of information from banks, creditors, and other third parties.
You further authorize TEG to transmit this application form, along with any obtained
information, to any or all Recipients for the purpose of securing working capital. You consent to
the release of any financial or credit-related information by any creditor or financial institution
to TEG and the Recipients
By submitting this application, you certify that you are duly authorized to act on behalf of the
above-named business and that all information provided in this application and supporting
documentation is true, accurate, and complete